Enjoy our programing on multiple platforms as we spread the good word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
If you are watching our programs through the "ABNSAT" app be sure to update to the latest version as our app has changed extensively to provide you with more content. If you are having trouble with any of your devices call the number below:
+1 (248) 416-1300

Our Websites
We broadcast 24 hours a day, seven days a week on our home page. To view our other channels click on "Digital Tree" and choose a channel.

We have an official Youtube page where videos are posted weekly. Trinity Channel: www.youtube.com/TRINITYCHANNEL1

We live stream every show we do on each respected networks page.
English Programs- Trinity Channel: www.facebook.com/trinitychannel/
Arabic Programs- ABNSAT: www.facebook.com/abnsattv/

Smart TVs
Today, you can watch our programs through Samsung, Sony, Hitachi, Insignia, RCA, Hisense, TCL & Sharp Smart TVs on the "ABNSAT" app. As the new Digital Tree develops the "ABNSAT" app will be on more smart TVs and is an ongoing project.

IPTV Boxes
ABNSAT is currently broadcasting on Arab TV Network Solutions, Sham TV, GLarab TV, Zaap TV, I Star TV, Joozoor TV, Planet TV & Maax TV. Trinity Channel is only broadcasting through Zaap TV and Maax TV. If you have an IPTV and would like to see this broadcast on it, contact us and we will contact your provider to be added as a channel.

Amazon Fire
You must have a HDMI TV, an internet connection and an amazon account with "1-Click" enabled. After the initial set up go to the search bar, type "ABNSAT" and click enter on what you just type and you will see our app ready to be downloaded.

iOS Devices
The "ABNSAT" app is available on all iOS devices: iPhones, iPods, iPads and Mac computers. To download, go to the app store and type "ABNSAT" and download. If already downloaded make sure your version of the app is the latest version.

Roku & Roku Devices
The "ABNSAT" app is now available publicly on Roku. In addition, Trinity Channel has released it's stand alone app on Roku called "Trinity Channel". In addition, be sure to check your Smart TV to see if it has built-in Roku capabilities.

Android Devices
From tablets, TV boxes and smart phones the "ABNSAT" app will be on all android devices. Go to the app store and type "ABNSAT" to download and start watching today. Be sure to have the latest version of the "ABNSAT" app to receive the most content.

Our app, "ABNSAT" is able to be streamed through Chromecast. Just download the "ABNSAT" app on any mobile device, open the app and then click the stream button in the top corner of the screen.

مع تقدم التكنولوجيا الحديثة استطاعت شبكة البث الارامين ان تصل الى منصات اخرى
منها YOU Tube وface book ، الانترنت ، وصناديق الكترونية متنوعة . نشكر الرب على هذه المنصات التي تصل برسالة الرب يسوع المسيح الى العالم اجمع.