We are reaching out with the Gospel to the most difficult and unreached countries on the 10/40 window. Afghanistan and Iran are two countries in the world where it is nearly impossible to live as a Christian, to attend church or even own a Bible. Through the work of ABN's Digital media ministry, we are able to reach the Gospel to those who are hungry for God's word in these countries. Your support at this time will help advance the Gospel in Afghanistan and Iran.
Taking the Good News to difficult places
Find out how the ABN ministry is impacting lives in
Afghanistan and Iran

Nafisa from Afghanistan

Ibrahim from Iran
I watch your programs and live shows through youtube and by downloading the ABN app. I am communicating with my brother Karim, and I asked him to pray with me and for my family. Now I am glad I am saved and reading the Gospel. I am full with joy and excitement. Thank you ABN.
I am 46 years old. Tonight, I was watching a program with Pastor Saeed. I am a Muslim, but the words of the Rev Saeed touched my heart. I love Christ and Christians, and I want to be a Christian. Please show me how, I am very afraid.